

Even Einstein relied on conversations with friends and colleagues to help discover the theory of relativity. And the team at VO Web Design brings that concept into play when creating websites for clients.

Each team member has unique gifts. These gifts include specialized talents and skills. While each or our clients may have a single contact, in the background are other team members who can be relied upon to contribute to the task at hand.

The depth of the technology that supports today's Internet is vast. Many elements are brought into play to develop a quality website for a client. And the broader the requirements of a website, the more knowledge and skills are required to deliver a quality product.

The team also offers creative designs for advertising, business identity, packaging, and other promotional items.

Team Management

Clients will be communicating directly with one of the team managers listed below, along with their specialties:

Larry O'Neill

A former IT consultant with IBM, Chase Manhattan, and Nasdaq, Larry is fluent in many programming languages, database structure, network strategies, and implementation. Larry saw the future when the "dot com" era blossomed and has been developing websites and other Internet solutions for clients since 1998.

Tom O'Neill

In addition to web design and Quality Assurance skills, Tom is a keyboardist, synthesist, and sound designer. He engineers and masters songs for bands, mixes soundtracks for documentaries, and creates original music videos. Audio mixing/editing and video/image assembly are his strong stock in trade.

Jill Marino

Jill produces creative designs in the fields of promotional advertising, both consumer and trade advertising, direct mail, corporate identity development, packaging, trade show booth design, graphics, and that's just for starters. A specialty of Jill's is creating eye-catching promotional material for clients.

Contact VO Web Design

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